El Huatrila

Director: Roberto Flores Muñoz

Producers: Kelly Sánchez Villanueva

East Coast USA Premiere

Country of Production: Peru

Date of Completion: 2023

Duration of Film: 69 Minutes

Raúl studies in one of the most expensive private English schools in Lima, thanks to his father, Máximo, who is a teacher there and the school photographer. However, Raúl has never felt that he fits in. He counts the days for the year to end and waits to see if he will win a scholarship to a university abroad in Madrid.

A sudden change forces Raúl to rethink his life and dreams. This situation takes him on a journey to reconnect with his father’s community that he left as a child and to uncover the power of his roots.


Echoes of the Rio


El Signo Vacío / The Empty Sign