Hijas del Maíz / Maize Daughters

Director: Alfonso Gastiaburo

Producers: Ana Taleb, Indira Cato

International Premiere

Country of Production: Mexico Argentina

Date of Completion: 2023

Duration of Film: 87 Minutes

Una partera y una educadora indígenas transforman el proceso de traer vida al mundo en una batalla contra la violencia de género. En el hogar Yach’il Antzetic en el sur de México, atienden a mujeres de comunidades, sobrevivientes como ellas. Se abren a cambiar el futuro, criando distinto a sus hijas.

An indigenous midwife and an educator transform the process of bringing life to this world into a battle against the genre violence. In the safe house Yach'il Antzetic in the South of Mexico, they care for women from indigenous communities, survivors just like them. On the way they heal old wounds and open up to a new future by raising their children differently.




Hola, Santiago