Hombre Sin Razon

Director: Lau Rodriguez & Brandon Ortiz

Producers: Lau Rodriguez & Brandon Ortiz

East Coast USA Premiere

Country of Production: United States

Date of Completion: 2023

Duration of Film: 20 Minutes

At 25, after fighting off a life sentence for gang violence, Richard Cabral returned to his 5-year-old son, committing himself to becoming a better person and father. It's been more than 10 years since he found guidance at Homeboy Industries, the world's largest non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of former gang members and incarcerated folks. Now a proud father of 4, an Emmy-nominated actor, and a successful coffee shop owner, Richard reflects on the aspects of his world that make him who he is - storytelling, his kids, art, spirituality, and his connection to his Native Mexican roots.


Hola, Santiago


I Love You So Much That I Wrote a Movie to Never Get Upset With You