Last Rights

Director: Lorena Lourenco

Producers: Caroline Stevens

World Premiere

Country of Production: United States

Date of Completion: 2023

Duration of Film: 15 Minutes

Amanda helps take care of her comatose grandmother under nurse supervision when her out of town relative, Gabriela, arrives to say goodbye. Without Amanda's knowledge, Gabriela invited a priest over to the house to perform last rites since their grandmother is now in hospice. They argue about the need for the service but Gabriela wins out and the priest performs the rites. For the next week, Amanda and Gabriela barely interact aside from watching over their grandmother together. On Sunday, Amanda brews tea when the priest returns per Gabriela's request. He counsels Amanda to be kinder to her cousin, who is also struggling with the impending death of their grandmother while Gabriela gets him something to drink. He reads a prayer but suddenly collapses to the ground and Amanda realizes he was given the mug she set aside for herself which had crushed sleeping pills in it. The week's tension breaks as Amanda and Gabriela outright fight about the situation, ultimately resigning themselves to wait until the priest wakes up. They're able to talk honestly and come to realize they're grateful for the other's company when the hospice nurse returns and is startled to find them with an unconscious priest.


Las Tardes / The Afternoons

