xo, Marisol

Director: Valeria Cazares

Producers: Salét Abadee

Country of Production: United States

Date of Completion: 2023

Duration of Film: 14 Minutes

Luna, a young Latina who often daydreams about a more exciting life while working at her mother's diner, is thrilled to discover an old diary written by Marisol, a Mexican woman from the 1970s. Instantly captivated, Luna imagines herself in Marisol’s adventures, inadvertently neglecting her work responsibilities. In a heated argument fueled by the diary's distractions, Luna's mother confiscates it, leaving their relationship deeply strained. As Luna spends time without the diary, she reflects upon her relationship with her mother, her personal ambitions, and her family obligations. Through a heartfelt apology, Luna successfully repairs the bond with her mother, fostering an understanding of their respective needs and desires.


We Can't Breathe


Yo Maté a Lucca / I Killed Lucca