Congratulations to Los Fellows Selectees!

Our team is excited to congratulate Alejandro Ceballos Jimenez, Iliana Pagán Teitelbaum, and Erik Alfredo Martínez on their selection to our Los Fellows Program! Welcome to the PHLAFF Family!

We would also like to thank the amazingly talented artists who applied and shared their projects with us! We look forward to collaborating with you soon. Keep up the good work!

Stay tuned for announcements and news from our team in the coming weeks! The Philadelphia Latino Arts & Film Festival Los Fellows Program is designed to support Latine/x/a/o creatives/filmmakers’ artistic development. This program is part of PHLAFF’s commitment to support practitioners, enhance the generative impact of the festival and contribute to the advancement of Latine/x/a/o arts, culture, and diasporic reflections in Philadelphia and beyond. Los Fellows projects will be presented as part of our festival offerings and year-round programming. This project is a collaboration with PhillyCAM.


Introducing our PHLAFF 2024 Cultural Producers in Residence - Wilfredo Hernandez


Thank You, From PHLAFF to Philadelphia’s Cultural Treasures Grant!